معرفی کتاب Philosophy Of Media: A short History Of Ideas And Innovations From Socrates To Social Media

نشان کردن لایک لینک
کتاب Philosophy Of Media: A short History Of Ideas And Innovations From Socrates To Social Media
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Since the late-1980s the rise of the Internet and the emergence of the Networked Society have led to a rapid and profound transformation of everyday life. Underpinning this revolution is the computer – a media technology that is capable of not only transforming itself, but almost every other machine and media process that humans have used throughout history. In Philosophy of Media, Hassan and Sutherland explore the philosophical and technological trajectory of media from Classical Greece until today, casting a new and revealing light upon the global media condition. Key topics include: The mediation of politics. The question of objectivity. Automata and the metaphor of the machine. Analogue and digital. Technological determinism. Laid out in a clear and engaging format, Philosophy of Media provides an accessible and comprehensive exploration of the origins of the network society. It is essential reading for students of philosophy, media theory, politics, history and communication studies.

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